How to access SkyDrive from any Windows 8 app

How to access SkyDrive from any Windows 8 app

In addition to browsing and managing your files directly using the SkyDrive app, you can also use other Windows 8 apps to choose a file or save files to SkyDrive.
For instance, to choose a lock screen or a picture password, you can select from photos on your SkyDrive, right from the file browser. Just choose SkyDrive from the dropdown list of file locations and select a picture.

PC settings with the lock screen selection screen

Photos app showing pictures from SkyDrive

Or, if you’re using an app like SketchBook, the sketches you create can be saved directly to SkyDrive, right from the app. Again, just choose SkyDrive in the dropdown list of file locations.

SketchBook app with the save button being used to save to SkyDrive

Choosing a save location in SketchBook

How to create app for Windows 8 (Pro/NT)- easy 3 steps guide

Build your first app for Windows 8 (Pro/NT) by using this simple guide. This guide will help you to create your first 'Hello World!!!' app for windows 8. Feel free to ask questions. 

Download the Windows 8 Release Preview (free)
Experience the newest version of Windows and see for yourself how apps are at the center of the Windows 8 experience.

Get the tools to build Metro style apps for Windows 8. Our free download includes Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 RC for Windows 8 and Blend for Visual Studio to help jumpstart your project.

Explore the documentation
Our docs are optimized to make you more productive. Discover everything you need to plan, build, and sell great apps.

Read the developer guide
Windows 8 Release Preview has many powerful features for developers. Discover the new features for Desktop, Web, and Metro style app developers.
Build apps with the experts at Windows Dev Camps
Dev Camps are free events that bring together developers like you to learn more about building apps. Learn interactively and get advice from expert app developers in hundreds of locations around the world.

You can use any of these languages for programming:
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • C#
  • Visual Basic
  • XAML
  • C++
  • DirectX  
PS: In next post, I will explain you how you can make $$$$$ by sellling your app on Windows store ;)
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